All About Us

Kat, Anni, and Tim are graduate students getting their MSBA in Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise at Colorado State University. They will be constructing aquaponic systems in Lima, Peru to test the feasibility of such systems to feed malnourished communities in arid cities. They plan to show that aquaponics can provide fresh, organic vegetables to an area where they are otherwise untenable, while at the same time introducing a sustainable supply of fish. Please subscribe to this blog to find out more about them and their work!


From Rags to Riches

Yesterday, we had a fabulous visit to one of the women's groups that loans money from PRISMA - some of which is financed by This is a picture of the neighborhood where they lived - wonderful loving people who fed us cakes and cookies and had sprinkled their sandy floor for us so it wouldn't be so dusty. They have been lending money and paying it off on time consistently for years.

Today however - was quite the opposite. From the Kola Real soda and beer plants to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then on to the ESAN Business University. We have met so many contacts and had so many offers for help in our research, that we are very optimistic. Tomorrow we move into our new home!